
All This Suffering

this suffering is for your glory because how can I be a witness. if I don\'t have a story. how can I talk about the storms when I haven\'t been through nothing, but when you are sincerely following Jesus I will have to go through something.
We have to be holy everyday, every minute, every hour, endure temptation and ask God to discipline us on handling situations. Walking away from confrontations while the enemy tries a quick invasion but we belong to the Father. So our mind the enemy cannot make no kind of persuasion. Jesus suffered so we gotta suffer too . If you think it\'s going to be easy breezy then something is truly wrong with you. The servant is not greater than the master but for the ones who think they are. Guess what you are headed for disaster, time to get right and ready for life after don\'t get caught up and then miss out on the rapture.