Could I but hold you when all about me
The world is in turmoil when hope fades
And night dances in on a nightmare
wherein I sit resolute while fortitude dissolves into chaos
Could I but whisper such words that give rise to smiles
And soft sighs that melt In the warmth of a hand
No longer trembling as realisation seeks an audience
In order to entertain desire
Could I but kiss you such sweet content
Such mirrored dreams enough to reflect the truth
When all about storms rage uprooting such frailty
For we are the architects of our own misgivings
Could I but love you as two worlds collide
Torn apart by misgivings misunderstood and maligned
Laid upon the altar of purgatory yet such sweet desire
Stolen by time and distance our shadows dance alone
Could I but remember carry your smile forever
Echo your words In a lovers embrace
Where they comfort me as I face the worse
Oh but that I could tell you that I love you