H is for Hell

Shadow Walker

There\'s no monster there when the darkness billows

As you rest your head upon drool soaked pillows

And it\'s not a portentous doom laden warning

It\'s just the gathering pitch of a shadow forming


Though you might awaken with no cause for calmness

Fearing the baleful who are not close to harmless

You can kill the doubt and rest assured

If you\'re brave enough to pull the cord


It will feed on angst as it feeds on panic

Touting fear to the cerebral manic

If it\'s not a monster, it\'s of your essence

Shape shifting shadows to form a coalescence

Eldritch alter ego is a chimera seeker

Violating dreams to make you madly meeker

In your murky depths it\'s a malevolent rival

Leeching (thieving) for its own survival


Found in dreadful dreams, it\'s a nightmare stalker

Cloaked in cloying tar, it\'s a shadow walker

Though you feel the fear what is the danger?

Of a pernicious parasite that\'s not a stranger


You can\'t see the monster when the darkness billows

Can\'t see if it\'s drool, or blood, that soaks the pillows

And if you dwell in dreams you\'ll soon recollect

When a shadow turned into a silhouette