
Getting older

Getting older:  By Barbara Serating

Getting older can surely be somewhat bitter and tremendously sweet,

There are many superb joys and challenges to meet.

Where have the days gone, the weeks, months and years?

There have been numerous days filled with both laughter and tears.

Bones that were once so durable require exercise and calcium to keep them strong.

Finding the right answer to a once easy question may seem to take much too long.

The ever-increasing candles on each year’s birthday cake shine so very bright.

Our muscles get weak and our ligaments and joints feel so incredibly tight.

 After a yoga class, we find getting up off the floor

 Much more challenging than it ever was before.

Our face has more creases that are new along with more wrinkles and lines.

We need to wear bifocals, trifocals or progressive lenses to read all road signs.

 Our lives are chockful of wisdom and lessons that were very difficult to learn,

It is also a wonderful time in one’s life and a time you may be lucky enough to earn.

Embrace getting older without being negative, unhappy and sad.

I can honestly tell you being a positive happy woman in her seventies is  not so bad.

It is however an adjustment and somewhat difficult to approach.

I sure wish someone, much older, were still alive to be my coach.

It is a joy to be young and a joy to be old.

Even if my hair is, gray and my feet are always cold.

I put a smile on my wise, wrinkled and elderly face  

 I am thrilled that I can still walk even if it is at a much slower place.

 Gone are the days I had to worry about being laid off or fired,

I get up each morning and thank God that I am joyfully retired.