
Pure Love

No matter how many times I give my heart to someone they always seem to break it still that never does seem to keep me down for long tho I have had my share of tears through the years I seem to always find the strength to carry on because I have faith in Heaven above, I have faith in A Pure Kinda Love

Somewhere out there I know there\'s a special someone who dreams of finding me and then it will be the two of us because I believe yes I still believe in A Pure Kinda Love!

Well and no matter how many times I\'ve been played the fool it\'s just because I refuse to give up on finding my soul mate, the other half of me by destiny’s rule if it takes me around the world and back again I will find it one fine day I know but only God knows when, only God knows when yet...

I have faith in Heaven above, I have faith in A Pure Kinda Love somewhere out there I know there\'s a special someone who dreams of finding me and then it will be the two of us because I believe yes I still believe in A Pure Kinda Love!