Aa Harvey





I’ve lived this death a thousand times,

Each time you let me go.

My heart has always been divine,

Whilst your love has only ever left me with sorrow.



So I kiss goodbye to a dream of tomorrow.

The last time I shall now see you is in the morrow.

For you have let me go, to save your own sanity.

So I shall leave you in peace

And find some self loathing in which I can wallow.



This contemptuous place, that replaced your womb,

Has engulfed my hope and left me to my gloom.

The darkness draws over me like the ending of a book;

There is peace.  There is silence.  I have now become entombed.



So think of me as they drag me down to The Devil;

For I know all your secrets, but shall never tell.

Because I love you forever.  My love is eternal. 

So please be there for me, when I leave this bloody Hell.



For this is my purgatory, in which I must pay;

But then once more, I shall rise to see your face.

But after this life or the next, we shall each rise to see Gods grace.

Reincarnation is finding my love again;

But I can no longer, watch you slip away.



So once and for all, we shall stand before God!

We shall tear out our hearts and throw them on the floor!

I shall tell HIM only once!

I love her…

She loves me…

We have lived this life enough!




(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.