Shahla Latifi

Cobbles Of Hardship


There was a time
When I was attached to the strings of pain
Inside a cocoon of loneliness 

I felt
Abandoned with no window to see outside 

With the feeling
Of hopelessness in mind

And fear in my heart
I started to lose the essence of my well being inside

One foggy night
With a clear thought
And sickly body
I looked up at the small reflection of my soul in the cracked ceiling of the cocoon

That was lighting up with the ray of the moon

I saw my soul

So frail


And unhappy

As an orphaned child


I felt that the weakness has conquered my motivation
And I sensed that my self-worth has broken
On the cobbled stones of hardship

Piece to piece


I also saw a fragment of a little girl

Whom once was



And so alive

But imprisoned in the cell of a broken cocoon

With no fresh air to breath

No power to scream

And no strength to go on


I started to cry
And with a throbbing heart
I felt this disconnection of myself
From the pain that I’ve been feeling

For so long


I felt relieved

And my courage was awakened
And I felt the urge to recollect
My strength

And my wisdom

As a torch of guidance

To the passage to freedom

From the cocoon


Shahla Latifi
