
Story of my life

For me the world goes unnoticed,

It\'s like an invisible mime.

Its hard for me to stay focused,

For inside I fight all the time;

Cause my head is full of emotions,

And it seems all they do is fight.

I no longer have my devotions,

For I no longer know what\'s right.

And now I\'ve been locked in a castle,

A castle made out of my mind.

When people try help they\'re a hastle,

I feel like they\'re all just blind.

Blind to the world around us.

All the sadness, fear, and hate.

When they see it, it won\'t be enough.

For me it will be too late.

So this is the end of my story.

I no longer want to fight.

No adventure or excitement-It\'s boring.

But that\'s the story of my life.