
What I miss

The way you put your hands in the air
You just let your hair be your hair
They way you hold a glass of wine
I love leaving messages for you to find
The way we smile the way we laugh
How you always prefer a bath
I Love your name SUSAN
I call it you because I CAN
How you love your Sippy cup
Clothes on the floor you don\'t give a fuck
The way you go raaahhhhh
How you park your car
Your skin so soft, eyes like I\'ve never seen
Have a look through mine
you will see what I mean
One more glass for bed, its definitely red
Your head on my chest
Absolutely the best
Making love just me and you
The most important thing in the world to do
The noises you make from your lips
The way we touch the way we kiss
All the above is what I miss x
