
The Counselling Chair


A worried mind, a head full of fears,

How should I be? Do I hold back the tears?

This person unknown, hearing my woes

What do I say? How much to disclose?


She sits just in front in a chair of her own,

Her voice welcomes me with a gentle tone

A caring concern for whatever I share,

I start to feel safe as I sit in my chair


My voice starts to quiver as my first words are spoken,

My thoughts seem to scream, PLEASE FIX ME I’M BROKEN!

She listens intently, doesn’t judge what’s discussed,

Finally someone I feel I can trust


We meet again and more frequently,

I start to feel different, more open and free

She seems to understand things from my point of view,

She knows what it’s like to be in my shoes


I notice a change going on inside,

The fear, hurt and anger seems to have died

Who is this girl I’ve come to have known,

A more confident, happy person is shown


I’m starting to realise that choices are mine,

If I take care of me, I know I’ll be fine

Follow my heart and share what I feel,

Everything now seems so much more real


So thanks to this person, this stranger I feared,

Just being there listening, my mind has been cleared

I’ve been introduced to someone you see,

In that counselling chair, I found the new me.