
Tower Block

Made of glass wood and cement
Thirteen monsters were council sent
Families lived in high rise flats
And children roamed with the dogs and cats
A little park near a collection of shops
The bus drove round a circle of stops
Dirty old lifts with gum on the floors
Held strange odours and graffiti on the doors
Darkened stair wells where creatures hid
Causing havoc like delinquents did
Behind the flats the landslide sprawled
Bees buzzed and insects crawled
The river flowed under a bridge which spanned
Connecting the residents to grassy land
Happy people but rough round the edges
As they peered from windows and leant over ledges
Bikes on balconies and clothes hanging down
The disillusioned youth wearing a frown
Drunken rows and secret affairs
All newcomers were greeted with stares
Tiny halls and narrow little rooms
The strange feeling of living in tombs
Sad faces watched the explosion together
The homes they once shared now gone forever