
My Astral Body


Time to build that wall of gold,

block yourself out and protect your mind.

For no true love known,

memories sink into transparent times.

In deep absence, I project from a fa.r

My astral body forming fluorescent star,

winds through \'n knots, omission so challenging,

a wind mill recklessly spinning.

Deep breath in, now watch me rise and gain,

patience, wisdom, and love, have become

my rooted strong deep roots.

I refrain from anger or paradox,

because once almost forgotten, was a lesson taught.

Humming a grounded sound,

my body up, my core a stalk,

more prepared for any storm battle that commits.

Or any poisonous energy in which anger omits.

My fluorescent star glows harder with power.

In astral projection I begin to drop disorder,

with this strength I rank my own charter.

For the first time, feels I\'m not being cornered.

I must conquer this serpent swift slice to the neck.

My body so heavy from past confusion and regret.

Mistakes, I admit, if unlocked cuffs don\'t test,

I grow from the warmth in which I distress.

All red eyes blurry, glossed, and cold,

distance yourself against these creatures of lost souls,

for they sit hungry for your pain and dark misery.

On cloud nine high above the floor,

my mind frees and my soul gravitates reformed.

Until the next terror is reborn,

time to build that wall of gold,

block yourself out and protect your mind.