Berthold Lippel


in love for half a day!

sweet surprise

Cupid was hiding

in that health food store

between vitamins and ginseng

organic love

foolish, explosive, adolescent love

her hands played the register

like a seductive piano

unaware of the waves of delight

ascending and descending

my shivering bones

I saw the tiny sun bleached hairs

keeping watch on her upper lip

(pepper in the sweetness of a kiss)

and her eyes, her eyes

(I am a deer caught in her headlights)

she raised her arms, and though the sleeve

I could see ebony curls

(natural! organic! I blush)

I take my change, my healthy goods

and grope to the door

head backwards

a prisoner reluctant to escape

good bye! the end!

in love for half a day

until my wrinkles scold my heart

until my years laugh at my dreams

still, it was half a day of bliss

I silently give thanks for this.