
Rhyming Acrostic (At Briansodes suggestion)

olling on the river is a good way to start

appy rhyming makes a happy heart.

ou ought to try it for yourself.

y talent ain\'t gonna lie on the shelf.

nspiring poetic friends make it easy.

ow is this rhyme starting to sound a bit cheesy?

ood grief! I think I\'m rambling on.


fter a few more words I\'m gone.

razy to try and rhyme each line.

ewarding, however. Am I doing fine?

h hush. I don\'t want to hear the truth.

ell me a lie from your ticket booth.

ime\'s awasting. Let\'s end this thing.

\'ve one last line in this

hallenging fling!


Yay! I did it, Brian