I am a EUROPEAN - I am also ENGLISH

When one of my sisters is wounded

I also feel he pain - Yesterday it was BELGIUM

And her lovely Capital - BRUSSELS was pierced

Through the heart.  WHY ?  She is one of the

Most peaceful of countries and her people are

Kind loving and gracious and she makes the

Beast crepes in the World !


Brussels was targeted because she is the

HEART of EUROPE.  The seat of EU regulation.

She cares for all Europeans and seeks to 

Unite us for the benefit if the whole World

ISIS is the personification of Satanic Evil

And we must all unite to eradicate ISIS.

ISIS chose Brussels because she is our

HEART because she is caring and sharing

She is not weak but she is vulnerable

because she is so caring and sharing !


Please pray every day for Bruseels

For Belgium - for Europe - for Peace.


Thanks for reading & praying - BRIAN