Severus Alexander

Looking Glass / Remembrance

Remembrance is a fickle thing

A seeming love, and sometimes tame


A look into the window yours

For a moment thought forever lost


But never should you tarry here

A word of caution, a fleeting thought


For once did I find myself

staring in for such a while


That the sun began to set

and shadows stretched upon the wall


And something from a nightmare past

a terror I had long forgot


Put its hand upon the glass

And stared back out at me


So always, please remember this

however lovely should the sight appear


Do not stay here very long

Listen briefly to that soothing song


And be gone from here


Lest that creature who hides in the shadow of joy

Figment of forgotten pain


leave its place at the window

And scratch upon the door


We can never wholly leave this place

where something guides us back


So come without reluctance

And mayhap for a while stay


And peer in through the sunlit glass

Smile, and then look away


Find within yourself

A place in our reality


Looking back, I cannot help but hope and hear

The faintest echoing chord


The quiet notes of music

Which give life authentic feel


A lovely kind of certainty

Existence in a waking dream