
Like The Dickens

Well whist in the world happened to
drive us so far apart my friend...
I miss you and I pray someday
we\'ll be as close again as we were
way back when...
\'cuz it\'s been a long, long time since
we were together I\'m sure we both
have changed but in my heart you
remain the same, that’s one thing
that\'ll never change...
well and although my life is a busy
one and something is always needing
to be done I\'d make time for you,
anytime, anywhere, I still love you
more than I\'ve ever loved anyone...
we had something special that can
never be replaced, impossible to be
gone without a trace...
so I will make one last attempt to
bring us back together again \'cuz
I miss you, I miss you my dear, dear
long lost friend Like The freakin\'
Dickens, maybe we can\'t go back
but we sure as hell can start over
please don\'t say it\'s the end and
you\'ll never pass this way again
oh can\'t you just open your heart
and let me in again...
surely we haven\'t drifted so far apart
we can\'t rediscover each other and
like suspended in time last October...
oh God I miss you, I miss you Like
The Dickens and now after you the
rest is slim pickens and I miss you,
I freakin’ miss you, Like The Dickens,
Like The Dickens!