
For Mum (I Remember)

A year has gone since you were here

A shadow of yourself

Such a frail and fragile woman then

Unlike the picture on my shelf


But that is not my memory

I remember the person you were

So much love for all around you

A kitchen connoisseur


I remember how you solved my problems

Advice regarding girls

How I could always depend on the bank of mum

And how you loved to play with my curls


I remember how I laughed so hard

When you got stuck upon the slide

When I won the scouts swimming gala

Your streaming tears filled with pride


Or how about when I left the house

Each and every time

You\'d say \'please drive safely\'

Like I would commit a road crime


I remember the fights we used to have

Regarding my untidy bedroom

It used to drive you completely mad

My body you\'d entomb


I remember the time you saved my life

Our rubber dingy had capsized

You grabbed a tree and pulled me up

My hero, I was mesmerised


I can still see your arms and legs

Filled with a nervous power

Holding on to all you could......

I was driving at 30 miles an hour


I remember the adoring look at dad

The total love within your eyes

\'Why do comedians need to swear\'

Their language you did despise


Your love for the film Gladiator

The series Downton Abbey

You joked about my dodgy beard

Saying that it looked shabby


I remember the fun at Centre Parcs

The crazy races down the slides

When Dad used to miss the shuttle cock

You told him he needed new eyes


I remember one Christmas day morning

I\'d had drinks on Christmas Eve

You drove me to Mcdonalds

Because you thought that I might heave


I remember the face you used to pull

When I listened to my heavy metal

You said it made you physically sick

You\'d rather sting yourself with a nettle


I remember the tears roll down your face

When dad bought you a brand new laptop

Or how you used to spend some time

Walking round a random gift shop


I remember your little skip and hop

When you bowled a ball at bowling

Dad would try and try to teach you right

Your eyes you\'d just keep rolling


I remember the love and warmth I got

Whenever I needed a cuddle

The times that you would help me out

Whenever I was in a muddle


All these things I remember of you

And many many more

So many things and reasons

Why so many people did adore


I know your watching over me

Smiling down from heaven

Sitting on your fluffy cloud

Probably shaped like Devon


And I know you know that I\'m ok

That I\'ve got myself a lady

Moved into a lovely country house

Although our neighbours kind of shady


I love you mum and  miss you loads

From January to December

I\'ll never forget all you\'ve done

I\'ll always forever remember.