
To Hold You Again

A time there was you needed my love

And I was there to hold you and it did

A world of good for me too but now it\'s

Been a long time gone still my love for

You goes on and on oh what I\'d give

To Hold You Again so safe and warm

In my arms again...well we might of

Been teenagers but it wasn\'t puppy

Love we know tho family, so called

Friends, time and distance finally came

Between us oh what a shame but

There’s still the flicker of a flame after

All these years the ghost of our love

Hasn’t disappeared oh Lord what I\'d

Give To Hold You Again so anytime

You think you might think you need

Me again I will not forsake you then...

Do you ever wish things were like

They were way back when…well what

I\'d give To Hold You, just To Hold

You Again!