

Room full of candles casting shadows on the French
doors in a gust of wind they swing open and the
leaves blow in In the dead of the night the Piano
plays our song all by its self Almost scared to death
I try to go but I\'m paralyzed there not believing what
my ears are hearing. It’s been a year since I lost
you but tonight the ghost of you is here I know \'cuz
the Piano ain\'t been played since they put you in
your grave. Well Lightning flashes and as I relight
the candles there you are right before my eyes As if
you had never died you ask me for this dance looking
into my eyes saying God I\'ve missed you but death
can\'t kill whatever dies. I put my head on your
shoulder holding you tighter like trying to hold on
to this moment forever but eventually you slip from
my fingers and disappear in a flash of lightning
outside the rain I ponder the notion of going insane
but the Piano begins to play all by its’ self again
and I know the ghost of you was as real as the scent
of you still on my skin and in the shadow of
candlelight I dance to the Piano until morning light

In the movement of Kiev!