Reivax Camlost

The journey

See only that that is

For of such things you must conceive without renown

See whatever you so wish

For sight such things shall only water down.


It is in ending that I speak

A journey far and wide

So be it known to you, always

That such truths are seldom free

But for truth that in you confide


Speak only what you mean

Although one thing may mean another

Speak whatever you so wish

For shadows may yet be the light

And darkness be the only other


It was understanding that I sought

Not for better nor for worse

Of life or light or love or thought

But failing that I simply sought

Understanding of the written verse


Think whatever you so will

Neither you nor I may contradict

Be wary then of hidden lies

Within yourself or I

Or truth may leave you derelict

That you may all in life despise


It was neither skill nor life nor verse

I know not ever what I sought

What matters is the knowledge I impart

Lest into fading shadows life depart

The meaning lies not in the end

Nor in the things that matter after

It lies then in the journey through

And from the universe