
loving him is like

loving him is like constantly trying to find a new beginning. loving him is like searching for something that doesn\'t want to be found. loving him is like when the scary music comes on in a horror movie. loving him is like never being able to finish your sentence because you can\'t thing of the right word. loving him is like staring at the sun. loving him is like understanding why people look at the glass half full. loving him is like looking for the last puzzle piece that doesn\'t exist. loving him is like giving money to a homeless person. loving him is like the creases in your pinky. loving him is like trying to sing along to a song that you are hearing for the first time. loving him is like checking behind your shower curtain before going to bed. loving him is like walking into a room and forgetting why you\'re there. loving him is like asking for the good news first. loving him is like breaking glass. loving him is like changing my capitals to lowercase. loving him is like wanting to put question marks on everything you say. 

