
I Am Apart Of Everyone


I am apart of everyone
I am in each and everyone of you
No matter if it rains or shines I am there
For some I am there all the time
And others I come and go

I\'m there at accidents and on purpose
I can be gradual or sudden
Physical and mental
Sharp, dull or extreme

People who hardly ever have me
never understand ones who have me constantly
They don\'t see what agony I cause them
Even thinking I\'m not real

A few things can numb what I cause you
But will never completely get rid of me
I leave when I decide and not before
No matter how much you ask me to go

Your body doesn\'t know how to handle me
Your mind gets crazy with me
When I get out of control
You go out of control

In case you still don\'t know
To stop with all your guessing
Let me tell you who I am
I am yours I am PAIN!
And you\'ll always want me to leave