Berthold Lippel


i am a healthy cheerful, happy dog

the whole world was created for us dogs

the Divine Bitch shaped us in her image

spun us through brilliant cosmic mirrors

until we were a thousand colors and shapes

but still truly Dog

unique and proud

of our nobility

we exercise our dominion

over the ponderous slaves

She gave us in Her Goodness

to ease and sweeten our canine lives

woof woof and amen

our slaves have faces

high above the earth

their noses are dull

their spines are stiff

they cannot use four  limbs

like we superior beings

but they have their uses:

they build us  houses

they give us food and drink

morning and night

they clean our muck

and keep us in health

all we need

to keep them obedient 

is to tie them to a leash

and walk them through their sterile streets

ours is the strength and the power

we rule the world