Yasu Na


Anything but these things,
that is to say
a happy thing, an agreeable thing, a useful thing, a beautiful thing and a right thing
will not run. I think this thought,
and soak myself in a feeling of hollow.
I feel even music is empty.
All the good things run and leave.

Anything but these things,
that is to say
a happy thing, an agreeable thing, a useful thing, a beautiful thing and a right thing
will not run. I soak in the flow
of these good things.

You are smiling on the bridge
and looking at me below bathing.
Do you know that even love cannot stay?

The worse things alone
stagnate in my heart, in my room and at the world ends without running.

From on the bridge
I watch the cool flow below.
Even love cannot stay.
But I say inside my head,
“I don’t wish that those good things
could stagnate.”