
The monster in my head


In my head, 
They echo \'booming\' loud like clashing pots and pans, 
Chasing me with their stalking words, 
The voices loud and clear,
Family, friends and staff from the ward, 
Talking to me, 
About me even, 
Or amongst one another, 
Random bizarre words, 
Dogs barking, 
The words \'Kingston uni\'
Sounding like a bus announcement, 
Foreboding my future, 
Sometimes a radio,
Speaking my name \'sophie, sophie\' 
Here I am confused in Surbiton,
Walk, keep walking, 
I listen once more, 
I zone into these voices,
They press the button in the control room, 
They watch me with their cctv cameras,
I cannot sleep, 
These loud echoes storm in my brain,
Drilled into me like a hammering nail, 
I cannot sleep, 
No not tonight