
A poem for a loved one

I write poems about you…
Now, I know that might seem a bit creepy
But I don’t exactly know how to say that you’re eyes are the most beautiful blue I’ve ever seen,
So I write about them…and how they remind me of a crystal clear lake that I could swim in for hours
Just like I could get lost in your eyes for days and lose all concept of time completely.
But then I hide it away in my draw, never to see the light of day again because I’m too afraid to give you the smallest of compliments.

I write poems about you…
I have done for months.
They’re full of all the things I want to tell you like, “I love you” and “I need you”
But for some reason these words wont come out.
It’s like they’re wrestling with my tongue just to stay inside because they’re afraid to see what might happen if they slip.

I write poems about you….
I wish I could show you but I cant.
You see, they’re full off all the things I like about you,
Like the way your name rolls of my tongue like it was meant to be
Or your smile, and how it can lighten up any room
To me, you are a bitter sweet perfect.

I write poems about you…
Lately, they haven’t been that nice
because I realise you’re as cold as ice, your eyes are dangerous, and your love is corrupt.

I write poems about you….
I wish I didn’t but I do.
They’re full of all the things I wish I said
Full of all the things I wish I did
Full of all the things I wish I realised
Like the way you said you loved me always sounded a bit off,
And I was never really the one to make you smile
Because there was always someone else\'s name claiming it, I was just too naive to make out the muffled shouts from the back of your throat.

I write poems about you…