

Very Personal, and didn\'t finish yet...


Sometimes, I sit and think, about what my purpose was to live in this world, sure, I had good times, but I cannot do many things that normal “teens” do due to medical conditions and stuff. Many say that being a rich kid is good, and it has it’s perks, but I feel saddened that most  days, my parents aren\'t even there, and they don’t even leave so much of a i love you note or call, and the medical conditions that I have hinder me in ways you can’t even imagine, and I’m stuck like I\'m in a trance which is that I have doubt, that I’ll live, I have heart conditions, skin conditions, lung conditions, and even some that I can’t even control, I have to get a shot once every month, Just to cure allergies, My heart condition is having a very weak heart, the lung problem is