
A day

It had been a normal day, just like any other day

Until the outside air had suddenly turned ice cold

The wind grew quickly in strength

Building and building in power

This maybe, was my cue to go back inside

But I dismissed nature’s whispered warning


The accident was always waiting to happen

It’s red eyes watching me from a dark corner

It had been planning and scheming for some time

Biding it’s time for the right moment, the right conditions

To ensure that the pain would be memorable

A memorable day


Both feet were snatched from under me

In an instant, a blink of an evil eye

The fall was bone crunchingly hard

My breath was sucked away sharply

My mind raced to keep up with events

Then all was quiet


From the stillness something new crept in

A twisted howling, an inhuman noise

It ripped through the chill of the air

and pain like a fireball tore through my arm

Running through my blood now

Like it owned me


Pain became all that I knew, all that I was

Eating through to my core, consuming my thoughts

Trying to control me, to possess me

Then soft faint footsteps of hope

A familiar voice calling down

Lifting me up high


The heavens above grew dark , turbulent and angry

Shards of light sauntered down towards me

Touching my face with warmth and care

Then wrapping around me, holding me tight

Sending my tormentor back to whence it came

Holding me tightly


It wasn’t a day, like any other day

It was a day like no other day