

There stand a broken young man - distraught from a young love lost. 

Although they hurt when they were together, seeing her leave hurt him more than anything he could imagine.

He cannot escape a life without her, for she is long gone and her void is to only be filled with the pain of his emptiness - oh the sick irony of it all.

Time will heal none of his wounds, only bury the memories that he had once held so fondly. He realizes this, and continues to fuel his perpetual sorrow.

He will never be as happy as he once was, he will simply be oblivious to how he once felt in a forgotten past.

Though he is cognoscente of it all, he is forced to repress everything about this love, and be driven by the hope that these memories may one day be replaced.


Sadly this young man is myself, and this story is utterly true.


Goodbye, darling.

I will miss thinking of you.