

Flint matters!


Flint is not like a piece of lint to be brushed off our clothing.

It is a city where real people are horribly suffering.


Just an hour away from Detroit which is my hometown.

When I think about Flint\'s water, my face begins to frown.


How long has the water been polluted with lead?

How many people will get sick, or end up dead?


It\'s no accident that this has happened in Flint.

Powerful people decided how the money was spent.


Environmental injustice is another form of brutality,

In mostly poor areas where there\'s pain and poverty.


To some extent, this happens in every urban setting,

If it hasn\'t happened where you live, consider that a blessing.


The following truth must be understood,

There\'s no contaminated water in rich neighborhoods . . .


No children whose development has been stunted,

Because some leaders\' responsibility was punted.


Some see this as a political football,

Not a national evil that should be confronted by all.


Some leaders are selling us out,

So they can obtain status or clout.


Please be reminded of what happened in Michigan,

Next time you get some water from your own kitchen.


Lord, show us how to help the folks in Flint,

Through a visit or some water that needs to be sent.


Flint matters!


Flint is not like a piece of lint to be brushed off our clothing.

It is a city where real people are horribly suffering.