I should\'ve known when you told me \"I love you\" on accident. I should\'ve known when you liked my best friend and started being interested in me by rejection. I should\'ve known when things went too far the first day we started dating. I should\'ve known when you were talking to your ex behind my back. But I trusted you. I thought nothing of it because you wanted a life with me. Because I was a rare girl to you. A girl that likes cars as much as you do. A girl that was beautiful and was down for you. But no, I wasn\'t good enough. You had to go behind my back and talk about me as if I were some bitch who was a problem for you. How I kept you up all night and questioned whether you wanted me or not. If I was such a burden then why be with me? So I left you. I immediately regretted it. I wanted you back so badly and I constantly told you that but you just wanted other things from me. You decided to just use me and then weeks later I find out you have another girl. You destroyed me. You broke me. And then you forced me to watch you be with her everyday. Flaunt her in my face like she was your new trophy. The more I saw the both of you together the deeper the whole in my chest became. I was depressed for the longest. Hell, I still think about you sometimes. But I finally realized that karma always comes back. One day you\'ll see that girl you love so much with someone else. The whole in your chest will form and become infected by the jealousy and torture she\'ll put you through. And in that moment, you\'ll regret everything you did to me.