

Touch: To put your hand or another part of your body lightly onto and off something or someone:

Like the memory of his touch.

Light, but violent.

Fast, but slow in memory.


Taste: The flavour of something, or the ability of a person or animal to recognise different flavours:

Like I still remember the taste in my mouth.

Like swallowing sewage.

Or words, too afraid to leave.


Sight: The ability to see:

Like his mother walking through the door.

Him, moving quickly.

The sight of joy because we\'re getting on so well.


Hearing: Able to hear:

Like, I can still hear the words he said to me that day.

Like whispered gunshots.

Like unbroken promises.


Smell: To have a particular quality that others can notice with their noses:

Like the memory of that day follows me around like a bad smell.

And like most poisons

The smell is sweet

But the outcome is bitter.