Berthold Lippel


I lie on the left

until my shoulder hurts.

I turn to the right,

the pijama itches.

I lie on my back,

the ceiling is a screen

a broken beam of light

from a passing car

sketches a jagged path.

I close my eyes

I fall asleep.

I fall awake--it was only a minute!

I beg the clock to tell me a lie

It refuses--another five hours

Agony until morning.


I count forward---then backward

The numbers scramble and dance:

Eighty-two, eighty-one, eighty, sixty-nine...

No, that is wrong--but who cares.

My head hurts, I am thirsty

I go looking for some water.

I drink, go back to bed.

Now I have to pee--up again

I produce a musical arc.

Go back to bed

Turn the pillow over

Look at the heartless clock:

Only five minutes gone!--hours to go

I wish I had a magic pill

I wish I had no head.

I could scream--but the neighbors...

There is no end to this.

I will go watch some TV.