
We Need A Miracle...Today!

I know it takes money to find cures

For disease but how much more time

And money will it take for these so

Called scientist to find a cure for

Leukemia, Aids and Cancer...I think

They need to get off their lazy asses

And start working a little harder and

A little faster...truth be known they\'ve

Already found cures for these disorders

Now it\'s just a matter of feeding their own

Selfish greed \'cuz if you think about it

It didn\'t take them no time to eradicate

Polio and TB...well it just makes me cry

To see innocent men, women and children

Suffering when they don\'t have to...think

About it could just as easily be me or you

So I think it\'s time somebody said to

These so called scientist stop focusing

On your bio-warfare and start thinking of

The human races...think about all the people

You could save now be what supposed to be

And give us a miracle, We Need A Miracle...
