INVICTUS GAMES - 2016 - An Acrostic

I NVICTUS GAMES a wonderful experience - a

N ew opportunity for wounded servicemen to be

V ictoriuos in a whole range of sports. Personally

I found it very moving. To see Men and Ladies

C ompeting in wheel chairs in activities like ....

T ennis - Volleyball - Rugby and amputees in the

U sual athletic sports of running - swimming etc.

S eems impossible the awsome times they all achieve !


G reat job by Prince Harry and his Team. He is

A real a credit to his Country & Family - especially

M um - Princess Diana from whom he inherits his

E mpathy and his love of people.  Each Nation has

Sent wonderful teams of very Special Men & Ladies !


Thank you USA & Florida for hosting the 2016 Invictus Games !


Thanks for reading - please comment - BRIAN