
Spider In The Bathroom

I wish to use the bathroom in peace but over in a corner is an eight legged creep looking at me

he tries to move slow so he can get to my thigh but I notice cause I refuse to let him out of my sight

I turn my head for the quickest of seconds to get some toilet paper and as soon as I look back to where he was the little shit pulled a Harry Houdini to bad he is an arachnid and not just a bug

so now I am panicking wondering where he is swearing out loud if I see him Im going to kill that piece of shit

I try to go about my wiping as fast as I can damn near missing and almost getting my hand

I finish up and proceed to flush while continuously looking to see why it feels like I am being touched

I move on to wash my hands and I look in the mirror and what do I see on the wall behind me

I see the same little eight legged creep staring at me

so at this point I finally gave up and ran out of the bathroom and kept the door locked shut