
Free from My Addiction (Sober Since 2003)

Free from my addiction, one day at a time . . . Walking in victory, my God is so kind!

At the age of 12, my soul was saved.
Raised in church, I was highly engaged.

As I grew up, I was addicted to lust,
I lusted after women, from dawn to dusk.

I remained celibate until I got married,
But I was a hypocrite, my secrets buried.

Praising the Savior on a Sunday morn,
Later that night, I checked out some porn.

This continued throughout high school and college, Much of my adult life my addiction would pillage.

Preaching the Gospel most every week,
But when it came to lust, I was a super freak.

The addiction was my best friend, like Linus\' blanket. I kept holding on to it, though I needed to tank it.

I couldn\'t stop no matter how hard I tried,
I struggled alone; I was so full of pride.

But lo and behold, it was 2003,
Little did I know, I would soon be free.

I met some men who were clean and sober.
Jesus was their Master, they had turned their lives over.

I\'m accountable to them; I’m an open book.
These brothers will never let me off the hook.

My freedom\'s been a process, not a one-time event. Now, I\'m sharing my story; this is time well spent.

I admit I\'m powerless apart from God\'s grace,
I\'m surrendering my will to Him, my recovery\'s on pace.

If you\'re hooked, I pray you start your recovery.
May God grant you lasting hope and serenity.

Free from my addiction, one day at a time . . . Walking in victory, my God is so kind!