A Dog\'s Farewell

I sit in content in my favorite chair to watch the world outside with little care.

It seems forever since you left, suddenly it\'s you and I hold my breath.

Soon I know a scratch, a rub and you\'ll say \"What a good boy, I missed you buddy\" and I am filled with happiness just to be.

What joy to walk together, I hope you see, even though we tread a similar path

It becomes new with the scent of every breeze.

Excitement moves me everywhere, here\'s something but wait now it\'s over there!

Life has so much when there is this home and my people to share.

There always a place here for me to lay comfortably,

and my fellow four legged friend is always here to slobber on me.

What a joy these last years have been but sadly I know it must be.

I have to go now to a place you can\'t follow and please understand with kindness,

that a very special Person now calls for me.

He is the One who taught you the love you showed me, and He will lovingly hold me forever so I will know joy in the scent of every breeze,

and forever remember the walks together you and me.