
7 ways u know

-The path found u
Your mind was never fulfilled by the common dialog. There was a wonder in the natural that was sacred. From this glory u forgot judgement and became part of the dance.
-Your ritual grounds u
These rituals are as ancient as they can be new. They have ancient wisdom but also your own personal journey. Through this rituals the object are blessed with spiritual power to become grounded in your place.
-One Prays to Sacrament
The ritual is nothing without the belief that plants and fungus have a sacred place in life. Sacrament is usually not man made or very old in growing time. These qualities make the shaman feel blessed to partake of their special spirit. Third is belief
-The songs have to be sung
As the ritual progresses the songs come forth. They tell the story of our healing and medicine. The song must be passed on to your children.
-One must live as they speak
The ritual, sacrament, and song should guide one on the healing path. As one heals the balance returns and meaning comes back. When one is healthy himself he can only truly heal others. Heal yourself before helping others
-Art is to worship the divine
Your voice and vision are only timeless through expression. These expressions become worship and serenity. Huichol art touches my heart even if I never have been in their ceremony
-Animals sing like we do
Once all of this is processed your own animal begins to sing into your life. Mine is a squirrel and their song is so expressive. Their planning for winter comforting and ingenious.
When we sing life moves in the dance around us. There are so many different songs that animals sing. The healer knows the most sentimental of animalness. The sacrament is drawn in the shamans palm as a part of his being. Is the shaman sacred or the sacrament? I believe that the sacrament make me sacred. My sacred bird gifted me these feathers in my peyote fan. Blessed is her medicine in my life.