

Did you attend my funeral?

Were there sobs and wails?

Was their anguish and pain?

Or indifference hidden behind black veils?

Did you attend my funeral?


How was the music?

Did they play my favorite sad songs?

The flowers? Daisies or Roses?

The speeches? Too short? Too long?

Did you attend my funeral?


Was my mother there? My father?

My brother, my gran?

My aunts and uncles and cousins and friends?

The ones who never knew my soul and never can?

Did you attend my funeral?


How did they comfort my poor mother?

 “She’s in a better place”?

“She watches over you now”?

“May she rest in peace?”

All those empty clichés?

Did you attend my funeral?


It’s a funny thing, a funeral

They gather in herds of black

Faux tears streaming down

Amongst a few real

And mourn a girl who possesses

The one thing they all lack…




Did you attend my funeral?