What has happened to real Windmills
I googled WINDMILL and got this picture
Three armed aliens marching in from the sea !
Windmills in the sea ? That\'s surrealist - absurd
Real Windmills had a rustic and timeless beauty
Harnessed in solid oak or British brick and stone
Housing all the Heath Robinson grinding machinery !
The sails were majestic - forty feet in diameter
Whooshing and swooshing in the willing wind.
They stood on a hill - to catch the wind - Proud
Quixotic essentials of the English countryside
Where many of them still stand - silent and subdued.
Ironically it was steam and electricity that silenced them.
The suddenly - overnight - something new and futuristic
Appeared on the skyline - everywhere - not WINDMILLS
But WIND TURBINES - Metallic - Mesmeric - Menacing !
For what purpose ? Not a millstone or grain of corn in sight.
Ironically they are dynamos designed to produce electricity
The convenient form of energy that had made Windmills obsolete !
Thanks for visiting - comments welcome - BRIAN
This is a \"free verse\" poem - enjoy !