For thousands of years the World was in harmony Flora and Fauna

In webs & in chains, Man looked at Nature chose to ignore her

Plaguing our beloved Planet  -  with hot acidic rains

Chopped down the forests disturbing the

Balance - Fossil fuel burning increase

CO2 - result global warming

Ice caps are melting 

sea levels rising

cities  drowning

 No me and you,

AIR  is  polluted

SEA is  polluted

Man  is  destroying

Our sweet home Planet Earth

Many ignore the cry to be  \"Greener\"

Some make it better  but what is it all worth?

By 2050 - increased population up to 10 billion nowhere

To live Venus & Mars are not fit for purpose - something must give 

Things getting harder and tough - please stop the Earth - I want to get OFF  ! !


Thanks for visiting - comments welcome - BRIAN