A METHYST  a precious shade of purple

B YZANTIUM  a blend of red and blue

C ARMINE  purple passion purple

D EEP TUSCAN  a \"Please come to the Ball\" hue 

E GG PLANT  adds some color to a stew !

F UCSHIA  girly whirly pinky winky

G RAS  de  MARDI  color to process in

H AYALA UBE  very dark and slinky

I NKY MAUVE  a color to confess in !

J UMBALAYA  gets you in the mood

K ING\'S PURPLE  very fit for one who reigns

L ILAC  perfect color for a snood

M ULLBERRY  the color in our veins 

N OSTALGIA  was I really such a prude ? 

O RCHID  light and bright your love retains !

P ETUNIA  sprite and frisky like an Elf

Q UEEN\'S PURPLE strident full of power and might

R ASPBERRY  a shade - straight off the kitchen shelf

S TRAWBERRY  kisses to delight you in the night !

T RUE PURPLE  shows divine imagery 

U RBE  et  ORBE  very Popeish too

V IOLET  perfect for your lingerie

W ILD STRAWBERRY  a sexy shade for YOU !

X YLOPHONIC KEYS  the G is always purple

Y ACHT PURPLE  adds some frisson to the crew - Just like

Z EBRA PURPLE  dresses in a psychedelic Zoo !


Thanks for reading - Comments welcome - BRIAN


Dedicated to all those filled with the Spirit of Purple !