Izzi Lynn


I stand here, alone at night
A cool breeze caressing my skin
I\'m drowning in darkness without a single light
My whole life I\'ve been fighting, trying to win
But maybe it\'s time for me to stop trying
I just want it all to be done
I tried to tell the truth, to stop lying
But no matter what I did, words refused to come
Their shadows enclose me, they\'re smothering and killing me
My lips are stitched shut, but inside I\'m screaming
Yet They stay oblivious, I don\'t understand why no one can see

I stand here, alone up high
The pale moon\'s light illuminates my pain
How much I wish I could take to the sky
I\'ve sat up here and watched the full moon wane
No one knows, even the brightest can break
I started as stone but was made into glass
Although, no one realized until it was way too late
And I fell until I hit the grass
Everyone expected me to get right back on my feet
So I did, but inside I had cracked
That grass had been more like concrete
My lies were treated like fact

No one realized something had died that day
She was my best friend, my sister, my soulmate
Yet she never realized how far I was from okay
He was my father, he should\'ve known I was hurt by his hate
Sure, I wasn\'t supposed to be hurt by cruel words
Because unlike everyone else, words can\'t hurt me
But wings can be clipped to make flightless birds
And now it feels like I\'ll never again be free
I used to be able to cope
Able to escape the pain with my own joy
Even when I was dangling at the end of my rope
I tied a knot and let her play with my feelings like I was a toy

Words brought Izzi to life and words killed her
This little bird just can\'t seem to find her flight
Now she sings a sorrowful song filled with fear
In her darkness this bird had no sight
She was the bright yin to his dark yang
But finally the shadows seeped into her heart
And at some point, angst and pain became what she sang
There was an end to the bird, and there was a start
Her wings to sky are no longer fit to fly