
This Is Now

Well this could be the Renaissance or This Could Be Now...

a circle dance in the hour of the Northern Mockingbird...

Venus in Pisces by chance...a wild and crazy romance

serenaded by sweetest sonnets ever sung...

enchanted by fragrances of Jasmine and Meer...

well in the shadow of moonlight we celebrate our

reunion once again tonight never minding those

and the summer festival down by the river side...

Well and this could be the great golden age of

Poe or This Could Be Now...a circle dance in the

hour of the Great Horned Owl...Jupiter in Mars

by chance and a wild and crazy romance astonished

by Tulsa’s bright neon lights at the first world\'s

fair...enticed by the smell of pop corn and cotton

candy in the shadow of starlight we celebrate

our reunion once again never minding those and

the carnival clowns running all around...

Well This Could Be the roaring twenties

and the party to end all parties or This Could

Be Now. Well whenever time space it is, it’s

always you and me and This Is Now, you and

I...reunited once again in the age of Aquarius

in the hour of the House Wren...a circle dance

that does not end and again we are now, we

are now!