
This is My War

This is certainly my fight,

One that causes fright,

Alone in the night,

Dueling for daylight.


They say I must pray,

In order to find my way,

Then I will see that day,

When most problems go way.


I will not fix this hardship with prayer,

Not because I do not dare,

It’s due to an issue I feel I must bear,

Too many self-prayers are like a swear,

So I spare my prayers for the really unfair.



I prepare for warfare with myself and the world.


In my foxhole—God is watching,

Yet I will not ask for his help.


This is my battle that must be fought alone,

As I take responsibility for my own mistakes,

And own up to fix my mess caused by imperfect humans.


Too many prayers have went unanswered,

Like curse words that are used daily.


I will swim the coldest waters,

Walk the hottest deserts,

Hike the most dangerous swamps,

And still not say a prayer.


My prayers are saved for the needy,

Such as the poor and people living in persecution.