
To Those Who Came Before Us

You may think I’m tweeting

But I’m actually taking over the world

You may think I’m taking a selfie

But I’m really learning to love myself

We’re not mindless little dolls

We’re intelligent and passionate

Free spirits, deep thinkers

We are complex minds with the power

To keep up with an ever-changing world

As it speeds up and moves up

As every little detail changes

With the click of a button

Or the tap of a finger

You say we have no grit

No values, no work ethic

But the truth is we don’t sleep

Because we lay awake all night dreaming

Dreaming with our eyes open

Open to new ideas

And new definitions for words

Words like beauty, love, and gender

And all of the things that make us

Exactly who we are

Because none of us are the same

That’s what makes us different from you

We celebrate diversity

Not only blacks and whites

But blue hair and tattooed skin

Men, women, gender fluids

Because we’re all fluid

Fluid in our thoughts, fluid in our movements

Movements straight to the top

The truth is, we have all those values

That you think the cell phones stole from us

The hard work, the effort, the problem solving

It’s all there in each of us

But it’s there, along with something else

Along with the courage to spread our truth

We’re not afraid to stand up to the bullies

Or the ones who say “You can’t”

We have the guts to say no

To the hands that threaten to choke us

And stifle our voices

We won’t stop

Until everyone has that voice

Until everyone has the chance to say

“I am human too”

And if you disagree

Feel free to let us know

Send us a text

And we’ll try to get back to you