

It\'s a warm summers day
And I\'m laughing away
At my puppy playing on the land

I\'m relaxing outside
With my daughter who\'s five
And she\'s holding a doll in her hand

Her ice cream has gone
Melted by the sun
And the remains are on her pink dress

We\'re all smiling sun rays
Forgetting the bad days
And I don\'t even care about the mess

As the sun starts to go down
My daughter starts to frown
She says that she doesn\'t like the dark

She looks behind me and cries
Shields her blue eyes
And our puppy starts to bark

As I look through the woods
I see nothing but mud
And follow my daughter inside

I laugh at my girl
Say her heads in a whirl
And tonight she can sleep by my side

I shake at the thought
Of what she thinks she saw
And I turn on the living room light

My daughter said she\'s not afraid
Of the little girl called Jane
Who comes to play every night

\" mom she\'s absolutely fine
But she wins all the time
When we\'re playing hide and seek \"

\" I have to close my eyes
Count down from twenty five
And I\'m never allowed to peek \"

\"Every time I look around
There\'s no Jane to be found
Just a few scratch marks on the floor \"

\" she\'s started to cry
Keeps telling me it\'s goodbye
And she can\'t be my Friend anymore \"

\" I haven\'t seen her in weeks
But she promised she\'d meet
Tonight when the sun goes down \"

\" I just saw her outside
But she doesn\'t look alright
And there\'s blood all over her gown \"

I look out into the night
And my body fills with fright
As I see a weeping child

I look into her eyes
And am filled will surprise
As the little girl starts to smile

Without a sound
She gets on the ground
And crawls along the cold floor

As the pace of the Knocks
Match the ticking of the clock
I hear her opening up the door

I cry out loud
As I see the weeping child
Enter my daughters soft skin

My little girl cries
I see the pain in her eyes
Then suddenly she starts to grin

She\'s possessed my sweet girl
And my stomach begins to twirl
As I see she\'s no longer my child

She pulls out a blade
Holds it up to her face
And gives herself a new smile

\" why did daddy never come home
Where did my daddy go
Is it because he liked to drink \"

\" if that is so
To hell I will go
He must be missing me now I think \"

\" Jane came to help
Visit daddy in hell
She said he must be feeling blue \"

\" Jane is my sister
But years ago daddy killed her
It\'s time you knew the truth \"

She said she\'s waited a while
To have a razor blade smile
The bitterness of blood I can smell

She takes the razor blade
Cuts opens her pretty veins
And takes her self to visit daddy in hell