
Lily Sugar by Thehara age10

Lily sugar had an appetite,

twice as large as the world!

people told her to stop shoving in her gob

but her golden locks she just curled.


\'Oh\',she would hungrily sigh,

\'I need to adjust my shape!\'

My ,she was a centimetre fatter!

(according to some measuring tape)


She was in the Guinness book of records ,

for being incredibly wide.

But one fateful day she could fit no more in

so she lay on her back and cried.


Her mother took her to see a doctor

to make up a cure for the pains.

The doctor said oh dear, but I have it!

please collect the dirt from two lanes!


Lily looked puzzled

and so did her mum,

but at least it would make a cure

to help her fat tum!


once she had done so 

she went back again 

the doctor said eat them with water,

her mum cried \"are you insane!\"


Lily went green 

as she drank dirt water

she yelped when it scratched her throat 

her mum cried \"you\'re poisoning my daughter!


WHOOSH! Inside her, no more gas, 

her sides so slim and straight,

she was into a good condition-

and if she gets fat again

it\'ll be a long time to wait!